Microstructures, textures & anisotropy
Geosciences Montpellier, F
28 June - 2 July, 2010


Organisers: Andréa Tommasi & David Mainprice

Intervenants: Andréa Tommasi, David Mainprice, Alain Vauchez, Luiz Fernando Morales

Objective: Show the relations between crystalline structure, deformation, and anisotropy of physical properties from the crystal to the aggregate and larger scales. Theoretical classes will present the origin and description of anisotropy for different properties, the processes leading to the development of textures, and the consequences of textures and anisotropy in both Earth and Materials Sciences. Practicals on measurement, representation, and analysis of textures will be performed using the EBSD facilities at UM2. Another series of practical classes will deal with the measurement and calculation of anisotropic physical properties.

Participants: Crystal2Plate fellows + 8-10 external participants

Preliminary program:

Contact: Andréa Tommasi